ADDING SUSTAINABLE VALUE – Sustainability Report 2023

Core to our business of adding value to Australia’s agricultural, advanced manufacturing and export industries, Manildra Group’s commitment to protecting, conserving, and restoring our natural resources, is showcased in our inaugural Sustainability Report.

Highlighting the economic, environmental, social, and corporate governance impacts of Manildra Group’s activities and operations in alignment with United Nations Global Sustainability Goals, the report outlines our progress to 2023 and commitments toward sharing in a more sustainable future for all.

View the report here – Sustainability Report 2023



Our company’s foundation is built on our values, which distinguish us and guide our actions.

Respect for employees, customers and suppliers and a relentless focus on providing safe, fulfilling workplaces are fundamental to the way that Manildra Group operates. Our corporate social responsibility extends to maintaining high standards of ethical conduct, universal human rights, environmental responsibility and community contribution.

Making a long-term positive difference is important to us, which is why we’re proud of our partnerships with trusted organisations who, like us, want what’s best for our communities. We have established Manildra Foundation to support charities and regional communities in which we operate, and beyond.

We have adopted a truly global outlook by building our business on a core foundation of sustainability – to protect the environment and rural communities. Manildra Group has spent almost seven decades perfecting the extraction of 100 per cent of the wheat grain – producing sustainable valuable products with zero waste.

Our advanced water treatment plant is part of our integrated ‘farm-gate-to-plate’ approach and is located next to our Shoalhaven Starches manufacturing plant in conjunction with our Environmental Farm, supporting our beef cattle and water irrigation programs. Value-adding to our processes, we recycle tens of millions of litres of water to drinkable quality which is reused for manufacturing purposes at Shoalhaven Starches daily. The site turns tens of thousands of tonnes of carbon dioxide (Co2) into food-grade products for local markets, and additionally produces methane for energy.

Our future will always hold a strong culture of corporate social responsibility and sustainability – the foundation for the next generation of our Australian family-owned business.



World-leading innovation, research and development are central to Manildra Group’s strategy for ongoing growth of our uniquely integrated agribusiness alongside sustainable Australian industries.

To achieve our goal of utilising 100 per cent of the wheat grain value for a diverse range of consumer and industrial products, we maintain a continuous program of reinvestment in our state-of-the-art manufacturing and innovation facilities.

Manildra Group’s fully resourced research and development facilities in Australia (at Sydney, Nowra, Manildra and Melbourne) and the United States (Kansas City) are staffed by highly skilled scientists, engineers and food technologists.

The headquarters of our research and development efforts our Innovation Centre in Sydney, New South Wales:

  • pioneers manufacturing processes for new products that add value to Australian agricultural industries;
  • models and improves existing manufacturing processes;
  • evaluates and recommends new processing technologies and trials; and
  • develops products in a world-class bakery and food applications kitchen.

Our specialist research development team is available to advise customers on quality and product innovation requirements.



manildra wheat prices