Feed plan ‘integral’ to Hereford breeder’s bulls

Feed plan ‘integral’ to Hereford breeder’s bulls | The Cultivator Autumn 2017

Feed plan ‘integral’ to Hereford breeder’s bulls

After almost a half-century of stud Hereford breeding, James and Nicki Pearce of family- owned stud Yaven Vale in Adelong, New South Wales, know the value of quality when it comes to feeding their prized herd.

Manildra Stockfeed’s DDG-S Wheat Pellet is an integral part of our feeding program, delivering the best mix of protein and energy to help our bulls realise their genetic potential,” James told The Cultivator.

Their Yaven Vale Poll Hereford beef cattle enterprise carries in excess of 2000 head over four properties located between Wagga Wagga, Holbrook and Yaven Vale – the home of Hereford marbling.

A modern and progressive herd boasting superior muscle growth, estimated breeding values, and structural correctness, Yaven Vale attracts expansive interest and buyers from across the country for its premier calendar event – the sale of about 120 bulls in February.

The Pearces began winter supplement feeding their 2018 bulls the Manildra DDG pellets to improve protein and energy intake. As pasture conditions dried over summer, James and Nicki fed their bulls 3kg a day during the two-month lead-up to their annual sale. They supplemented this feeding plan with cereal or pasture-based silage.

“When our sale team is catalogued in December (and) the main feeding block kicks in, the DDG pellet not only improves the condition of the bulls, it also creates a shine and finish on their coats – especially when we have a dry summer and the paddock feed is low-quality,” said James.

He said the high quality also meant the bulls loved the pellets, integrated as part of a balanced diet.

“The smell is strong and sweet which entices them, making it easy to introduce to their feeding regime.”

Manildra Stockfeed National Manager Tim Wirth said the feedback from James and Nicki about the DDG pellets had been echoed throughout NSW and Victoria. “Cattle respond extremely well to our unique DDG blend of feed,” he said.

“As James points out, the flavour and smell promotes quick feed acceptance, with close to zero ration rejection.

“Once the DDG pellets become part of the daily ration, then the protein, starch and sugars unique to wheat DDG kick in – and this is when the rumen bacteria flourish.

“As the driving force behind good animal nutrition, a healthy rumen is the key to growth, weight gain and reproduction.

“While there are other important aspects to the success at Yaven Vale, one thing is clear – good feed is a priority.”

manildra wheat prices