Down Under oils exceed expectations for Asian trade links

Down Under oils exceed expectations for Asian trade links | The Cultivator Spring 2017

Down Under oils exceed expectations for Asian trade links

A unique paddock-to-plate supply chain and the world-class canola oil facilities at all-Australian family company MSM Milling have impressed the NSW Government’s Commissioners for Trade and Investment
to China and Japan on a recent site visit.

Commissioner for China, Tony Zhang, and Commissioner for Japan, David Carlow, also visited the Mac Smith brothers’ farms near the MSM press at Manildra, NSW, to inspect the non-genetically modified Australian canola being grown in local fields, expeller pressed and bottled under the auzure brand, for sale Down Under and abroad.

Mr Zhang, who said his job was to promote NSW products to Chinese consumers, ranked MSM as “very impressive” in a country already renowned for high quality.

“The difference is they control the whole supply process from planting the seed to crushing the oil and packaging the oil for sale for local and overseas markets – and that means quality control and high quality, which means a lot to foreign consumers,” he told journalists.

MSM Milling Director Bob Mac Smith said the Commissioners’ visit was not just a privilege but “enormously important in terms of world trade”, given the growing global appetite for foods from origins of proven quality.

“One of the key things we do here, in the middle of a regional area, is manage the whole supply chain – we deal directly with the farmers, we manage the production process and then the transport all the way to our customers overseas – and to be able to show the Commissioners how we do this and talk about the provenance is such an important thing these days,” said Mr Mac Smith.

“Where food is coming from – the source and the quality – that’s a global movement. As people get wealthier and more educated, they are really concerned about what they’re putting in their mouths. They want to understand where it’s coming from and the quality of what they eat.”

With its 25th anniversary year in 2017, MSM Milling is celebrating its growth from the small business established on Bob and Pete Mac Smith’s family farm, into a leading supplier of premium Australian canola oil to major food companies and restaurants around the globe–including KFC.

Underpinning this transformation into a fully- integrated, state-of-the-art facility managing the entire supply chain have been the trusted relationships built since 1991 with more than 1000 growers who farm the fertile soils of NSW.

MSM Milling is working to introduce the auzure brand to more international markets with the latest e-commerce opportunities available in China (and auzure can already be purchased via

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